by Pelin Kılınçarslan
Kılınçarslan, P. (2025). Migration City Diplomacy: Practices and Perspectives of Local Actors in Istanbul. MiReKoc BROAD-ER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2025-2. Available at
The phenomenon of “cities as actors” has been gaining increasing recognition in both policy and academic discussions. In migration studies, this recognition has gained momentum with the “local turn” debate, challenging the assumption that nation-states are the sole decision-makers in migration governance. While the notion of “cities as international actors” has been a productive extension of this debate, the capacity of cities to act as migration governance actors on the international stage has received relatively less attention both theoretically and empirically. This paper addresses this gap by examining cities’ international networks in migration governance, focusing on city diplomacy and relationships with international organizations, through a case study of Istanbul. Based on fieldwork data from the BROAD-ER project, this paper analyzes Istanbul’s city diplomacy and international networking efforts in urban migration governance. Istanbul provides a valuable context due to its migration dynamics—a large and diverse migrant population—and its political environment, characterized by a highly centralized administrative structure and intensified political tensions between government levels. Interviews with local actors, including municipalities, NGOs, and experts, confirm that Istanbul acts internationally in urban migration governance. However, the international activities of these local actors present both opportunities and challenges, shaped by domestic and international factors. Domestically, challenges include administrative and financial constraints, limited expertise in international relations, and tensions with central government bodies. Internationally, local actors face challenges in balancing electoral concerns, managing a project-based agenda, and addressing the need for a long-term strategy. While navigating these complexities, the city expands its role as an actor in migration governance.
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Kılınçarslan, P. (2025). Migration City Diplomacy: Practices and Perspectives of Local Actors in Istanbul. MiReKoc BROAD-ER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2025-2. Available at