Research Outputs


MiReKoc BROAD-ER Working Paper Series: Urban Resilience and the Governance of Syrian Refugees in Turkish Cities by Ricard Zapata-Barrero

by Ricard Zapata-Barrero Citation: Zapata-Barrero, R. (2025). Urban resilience and the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkish cities. MiReKoc BROAD-ER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2025-1. Available at Abstract The preliminary question to be addressed is how the Turkish system has managed to withstand the influx of Syrian refugees, who have now reached […]

Article: Urban migration governance under the resilience lens: conceptual and empirical insights

by Ricard Zapata-Barrero Citation: Ricard Zapata-Barrero (2023) Urban migration governance under the resilience lens: conceptual and empirical insights, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46:13, 2833-2862, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2166793 Abstract Most of the recent literature in migration and ethnic studies, and particularly the debate on the “local turn”, mention multi-layered pressures that cities must address to develop their […]

Article: De‑bordering policies at the city scale: strategies for building resilience in Barcelona’s migration governance

by Ricard Zapata-Barrero Citation: Zapata-Barrero, R. De-bordering policies at the city scale: strategies for building resilience in Barcelona’s migration governance. Comparative Migration Studies 12, 2 (2024). Abstract This article bridges the fields of urban politics, migration governance and border studies by exploring Barcelona as a case study. It raises a first critical question about what […]

D5.4 Preliminary Report Synthesizing the Literature and the Fieldwork on Urban Politics and Autonomy-building Processes of the Cities

BROAD-ER’s research activities are centred on three primary processes associated with cities’ efforts to develop autonomy and decouple from national governments. Each partner is responsible for a specific theme: The KU team is tasked with the theme of City Diplomacy (Internationalisation of Cities), the UPF team is responsible for the theme of Establishing New Relations […]

D5.2 State-of-the-art Report on Urban Politics and Autonomy-building Processes of the Cities

We identify autonomy-building processes as novel processes spanning multiple scales. These processes may or may not be welcome by central or municipal governments. We argue that investigating such processes can open doors and add complexity to what is generally referred to as ‘local’ in migration governance. We follow Pécoud (2021, p. 104) in his understanding […]

D5.1 Conceptual Papers Prepared by Each Partner on Different Themes

This research output consists of three conceptual papers prepared separately by the KU, UPF, and UvA teams. Conceptual paper on the theme of “City Diplomacy” prepared by postdoctoral researchers from KU as part of the BROAD-ER project. It is one of three conceptual papers to be submitted by the researcher teams of the project partners […]